
Change, transformation. The Dragonfly collection symbolizes the fragility of transformation, both of yourself and your interior.

From dragonfly to butterfly

Fragile at first glance, but beneath the surface there is a strength of personality. A cluster of three superlative jewels contains a pendant, earrings and a ring that will reveal the lightness of being a dragonfly.

A jewel worthy of admiration

If you are not adorned with a piece of jewellery at the moment, you can display it under the glass sculpture by glass artist Eliška Monsportová.


The fleeting magic of the moment. A fragility that lends a perception of the world that is light, fragile, yet capable of the unexpected. A piece of jewellery that gives you the power to enjoy life in the here and now, the strength to feel the present and enjoy every moment.

Jewel Dragonfly
Jewel Dragonfly